Instant Replacement extended warranty (Instant Replacement)

Product / Term / Purchased Price Range
Manufacturer's Warranty
  • 3 years
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
Warranty Price
  • £40.00 (£13.33 annually)
  • £35.00 (£11.67 annually)
  • £35.00 (£11.67 annually)


Yes New For Old Replacement
If we're unable to repair your product, we'll give you a Currys voucher to get a new one. The value of the voucher will be based on an equivalent or similar specification product up to a maximum of your original Product purchase price.
Parts & LabourParts & Labour Included
Does the Extended Warranty cover the cost of replacement parts, labour or both?
£0.00Excess Charge Per Claim
Is there an excess fee that you must pay if you claim?
Yes No Fault, No Charge
If you make a claim and there is no fault or the problem is not covered will there be no charge
No Loan Product Available
If the product is taken away for repair will you be entitled to a loan product?
All UKLocations
The areas of the UK that the Extended Warranty covers?
NoAvailable On Products Purchased Elsewhere
Is the Extended Warranty available to buy on products bought from any retailer?
7 daysRepair Commitment
Are there any maximum repair time commitments offered under the Extended Warranty?
No Mishaps Included
Are you protected against mishaps or accidents?
No Unlimited Repairs
Does the Extended Warranty provide for unlimited repairs?
Yes Unlimited Replacements
Does the Extended Warranty provide for unlimited replacements?
No Annual Health Check / Valet
Does the Extended Warranty provide for maintenance checks or valet?
No Helpline Support
Does the Extended Warranty provide a telephone support service?
Internet, Store, TelephoneAvailability
Where can you purchase the Extended Warranty?
Other Information
Breakdown support when you need it. 7 day fix promise. Ask for a new one after your second repair.
Customer Protection
Care & Repair is provided by Currys Group Limited. In the event that Currys Group Limited ceases trading there is no dedicated financial backing.

Further Benefits

Keep your amazing tech amazing.'
Add Care & Repair and if your tech stops working due to an electrical or mechanical breakdown, we'll fix it fast. If not, we'll replace it on request. That's our 7 day fix promise, T&Cs apply.
Ask for a new one after your second repair If we cannot repair your product, or it develops an electrical or mechanical fault after we repair it twice, you can ask for a Currys voucher so you can get a replacement product in one of our stores.
Do not pay a penny more for parts, labour and call outs We will pay for it all. For TV and any large home appliances, if we have to replace your product, we will deliver and install it free of charge. We'll provide you with a Currys voucher to purchase delivery, installation and recycling if needed.
We'll set up your new computer and gadgets, provide a one-to-one tutorial and data transfer from any back-ups you have to make sure we get you back up and running as quickly as possible. These services will be provided to you via a Currys voucher. We'll even recycle your old appliance at no extra cost.
Squeaky clean valet service for Large Household Appliances. To keep your tech fighting fit, our Care & Repair includes a one-off valet of your Household Large Appliance.
On hand always - 24/7 Support for TVs and Computing and Gadget products.
Excludes accidental and cosmetic damage of the product.